Monday, April 13, 2015

In Photos: Cherry Blossoms in Washington DC 2015

Every year I wait with anticipation for the time when the cherry blossoms peak around the Tidal Basin. In the Washington D.C. area this typically happens between the end of March and mid-April. For 2015 the peak was anticipated by the National Park Service (NPS) to occur from April 11 to April 14 and this is exactly when it occurred. I went downtown yesterday to take my annual walk around the Tidal Basin. What a view!

This year the blooms looked more white than pink, but there were two trees with a deep pink shade - it was easy to spot them from across the Basin. All were so delicate looking and just beautiful.

Here are a few more photos from Cherry Blossoms in Washington DC 2015:

1. View of the Jefferson Memorial

cherry blossoms in Washington DC - Jefferson Memorial

 2. Close up of cherry blossoms and buds

cherry blossom flowers and buds

3. Views of the Washington Monument

Cherry blossoms.Washington Monument

 4. Morning sun streaming - Cherry blossoms in Washington DC

cherry blossoms in Washington DC

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